Thursday, March 31, 2011

Give me my joe!

Have you ever had one of those mornings when you can't even make coffee? A chore you do everyday?

I was about to leave the house and running late (of course) when I grab my thermal cup and pour myself a cup of coffee. But it's just water and sugar, since I add that first. It's sugar water. (Men in Black anyone?) But I'm so tired (because of lack of coffee) that I just stare at it for a moment. What went so terribly wrong? Where is my coffee? I might've whimpered a little.

I flip open the top and there is my filter and there are the coffee grounds but they are both dry. I'm still perplexed. I grab the pot and it suddenly hits me (way too long after it should've) that I had filled the pot with water but forgot to pour it in the back of the coffee maker. I remember pressing the button so either ran dry or didn't start. I'm not sure.

But for some reason, I'm still confused. I put my finger in the sugar water and it's cold. But that doesn't mean anything since I had a thermal coffee maker, which doesn't have a hot plate. It's a true mystery.

Now I'm running really late because of my slow blonde reasoning and I have to start it again. I wait until it starts brewing and just put the cup directly under the stream of coffee. I grab the cup, add the half and half and I'm out the door.

I'm driving down the road, miles away from my house, when I finally take a sip. It's bitter. I forgot to add sugar back in after I dumped the sugar water out. Sigh.

Have you ever had a morning like that?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lyric Confusion

I love The Little River Band. Their music is just so fun to listen to. But just because I love the songs and sing along, doesn't mean I always know the lyrics.

This morning I was listening to Take it Easy on Me. You know the song. "Take it easy on should be easy to see..."

But when he says, "So now I'll go the Minstrel road without you..."  My mind automatically translates this to be,"So now I'll go the Menstrual road without you..."

Those are two totally different roads that nobody wants to get confused. Especially a man. If he goes down that road without you, you should be very worried...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Look What I Can Do!

I can blog from my phone! How awesome is that? Technology is wonderful!

Tonights quickie:

My husband was in the kitchen making pita pizza's and muttering to himself. I asked, "Are you talking to the oven?"

"What did you say? You have a bun in your oven?"

Yes, that's exactly what I was saying..


If you're my friend on Facebook, you'll know that I often post about my husband's hearing loss. If he doesn't hear exactly what I say, he'll just make up something ridiculous that it can't possibly be. Like last night...

I was folding clothes and asked, "Whose Beatles shirt is this?"

Him: "Beetlejuice?"

Me: <slowly> "Beatles. Shirt."

Him: "I don't know any Beetlejuice."

Me: "Sssh... Stop saying that. You've almost said it three times."

Hey, I wasn't taking any chances! It's kind of like saying Bloody Mary in the mirror three times. That crap still freaks me out...

But seriously, Beetlejuice? When, outside of the 80's, would I be saying Beetlejuice? Crap, I just said it four times... Does it count if you type it? How were you supposed to reverse it again? Damn.

Time for Change

Welcome to my new blog!

Why did I start yet another blog? Well, as much as I love Melly's Spot, it feels more like a part of my old life, when I was a published writer trying to promote and other writers. And as much as I loved interviewing writer's and my friends, it just became too time consuming.

It was just time for a new beginning. Now you might ask me, why are you calling it Melly's Quickies? Well, because of my limited attention span, it's not easy for me to write long blog entries. Not to mention, my internet sucks. So I have a feeling my blog entries will not be very long. In fact, this introduction blog is taking me FOREVER.

This will probably be just an expanded version of my Facebook updates. But we'll see. I just want a blog where I don't feel like I'm putting expectations on myself to do long blog entries or interviews. This is where I can just be me... But shorter.

Are you ready? Let's get it on!