Have you ever had one of those mornings when you can't even make coffee? A chore you do everyday?
I was about to leave the house and running late (of course) when I grab my thermal cup and pour myself a cup of coffee. But it's just water and sugar, since I add that first. It's sugar water. (Men in Black anyone?) But I'm so tired (because of lack of coffee) that I just stare at it for a moment. What went so terribly wrong? Where is my coffee? I might've whimpered a little.
I flip open the top and there is my filter and there are the coffee grounds but they are both dry. I'm still perplexed. I grab the pot and it suddenly hits me (way too long after it should've) that I had filled the pot with water but forgot to pour it in the back of the coffee maker. I remember pressing the button so either ran dry or didn't start. I'm not sure.
But for some reason, I'm still confused. I put my finger in the sugar water and it's cold. But that doesn't mean anything since I had a thermal coffee maker, which doesn't have a hot plate. It's a true mystery.
Now I'm running really late because of my slow blonde reasoning and I have to start it again. I wait until it starts brewing and just put the cup directly under the stream of coffee. I grab the cup, add the half and half and I'm out the door.
I'm driving down the road, miles away from my house, when I finally take a sip. It's bitter. I forgot to add sugar back in after I dumped the sugar water out. Sigh.
Have you ever had a morning like that?
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